Pap Smear Case Study

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PROJECT SITE: The work for the project is carried out at cytopathology section of pathology department, B.J. Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad. Laboratory service, B.J. Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad is one of the largest tertiary care teaching hospital in India. Ours is the first NABL acrrediated teaching laboratories in Government set up. The laboratory provides the services of receiving, processing & reporting of approximately 42,500 samples per month i.e. Pathology 15000/month, Microbiology 14000/month & Biochemistry 13500/month. It participates in various healths related programs of state and Central Government in collaboration with WHO. STUDY POPULATION: The female patients who comes in the out patients department…show more content…
Detailed history about education, occupation, active marriage life, parity and exposure to smoking has been taken. All the samples for the pap smears are received by the cytopathology laboratory with dully filled request form. The request form contains detailed clinical history and clinical examination in general. The request form also contain per vaginal (P/V) findings of the patient. The received pap smears contain name and registration number of the patient. After comparing the name and registration number on the request forms and on the pap smears; the smears are processed for pap stain. After staining detailed microscopic examination is done by cytopathologist. Biopsy is also taken by gynaecologists as and when necessary. CLINICAL INFORMATION Clinical information needs to be integrated with the sample interpretation. Minimal information required is patient age, date of last menstrual period, and history of previous abnormal Pap. Age and menstrual status are particularly important for the interpretation of endometrial cells. Clinical history regarding any complaints like vaginal discharge, post-coital bleeding, inter-menstrual bleeding, dyspareunia, itching, pain lower abdomen, etc is also taken. Relevant history of illness was obtained from the patient and recorded on the

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