Essay On Gender Roles In Walt Disney Movies

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INVESTIGATING FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE IN WALT DISNEY MOVIES-A DISCOURSE BASED STUDY. SUBMITTED BY:- Maryam Munir Khan. Roll nb.67, BS ENGLISH. Submitted to:- Sir Tazanfal. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, UNIVERSITY OF SARGODHA. ABSTRACT:- Disney movies are known all around the globe for their entertainment value as well as for their impact over children. Disney has established its reputation as an institute which constructs the social world of children. Sociologists have studied the Disney movies and shared the idea that Disney movies project gender roles in a stereotypical manner. Disney has been projecting these gender roles and gender identities in all its movies for over 77 years. The most enjoyed are the classic fairy tale inspired animated movies which mesmerise kids. Feminists are highly concerned with these gender identities projected in the movies. I’d deal with the gender roles and gender identities projected in the movies. I’d also deal with the question whether these gender roles depiction are…show more content…
Unfortunately, this character fell short of the expectations of feminists because she surrendered to the oppressive prince she fell in love with. Third wave of feminism advocated for the sexual objectification as a woman’s right and Disney princesses were still an unhealthy outlook for a female in 2012 and 2013, Disney introduced characters as Merida and Elsa which challenged the hegemonic power structure of society and truly embarked upon the wishes of feminist. For this research, I’d be using a feminist discourse analysis model by Michelle M.Lazar. A feminist discourse analysis shows the complex, subtle ways in which taken for granted gender roles and hegemonic relations in society are discursively produced, negotiated and sustained in different media and everyday discourses. For this purpose, I’d highlight the basic prejudices and themes in 4 movies along with analyzing some dialogues and posters. In this research, I’d also mention

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