Some People Know What's Good For Us Chapter Analysis

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For this assignment, I chose to review chapter 21 from the Global Politics handbook, written by Naeem Inayatullah. The chapter talks about the question: Why do some know what’s good for others? In the first sentence of the chapter Inayatullah states that “Some people think they know what is good for others because they believe they know something crucial denied to others.” In this opening sentence, Inayatullah immediately tries to give an answer to the main question asked, at first this answer seems to be simplistic but in the follow-up of the chapter Inayatullah elaborates on his statement. According to Inayatullah the problem of believing you know better than others, is an ever existing problem. The author states that for example, the Europeans have had this posture in their relationships to others for many years, he frames this statement using two examples, related to Early Christian incursions. His first example is related to the Spanish colonisations in the Americas, where he explains Francisco de Vitoria’s vision on how and why he believed that the Spanish knew what was good for the native Americans. Remarkable is that Vitoria does not believe that the Indians will be deficient…show more content…
Trying to understand the miracle of his trajectory in this world. But there is also anger here. The anger of someone who believes the primary purpose of social theory is to ignore the obvious injustices of our world. We believe we are liberators. But really we are the cogs of Empire’s machine; double-agents who have lost the memory of being turned. This is what I have learned so far.” This worldview explains Inayatullah’s opinion on being both a receiver and a giver, on wanting to learn from

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