Sociological Imagination In Sociology

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One of legend leader who was an activist by the name Rosa Parks once said, “Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully we shall overcome. Overcoming racism is a journey that needs the current generation to understand how it was formed and what is continuously making it exist in the world at large. Having a background on its’ construction will help us decide how we want ourselves and our children to approach it and conquer its tragedies. The question currently at hand is why issues of race and racism about more than the attitudes and behaviours of individual. We are to look at the sociological imagination of different societies, the sociological thinking that leads to the construction…show more content…
Mills gives a tools that enables us “to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society”, known as sociological imagination. Sociological imagination gives meaning to experience, interactions that occur in events of our lives and how they relate to the historical processes and large social issues. This is an interrelation between microsociology and macrosociology. The microsociology focuses on the small groups of individuals, how they make meaning through the theory of symbolic interactionism. This develops to conflict theory and functionalism which focuses on a larger scale of the society known as macrosociology. Understanding this part about sociological imagination we move to sociological thinking. Sociological thinking gives us a tight shift from micro-sociological level to macro-sociological perspective. This helps us understanding the three theories that stipulate how we move from the small groups to the larger scale of the society and the behaviours of individuals. We have the passive theory, active theory and the radical…show more content…
Based on the two previously mentioned classrooms, for them to have solidarity amongst each other they have to stop comparing and creating prejudices about one another. They have to be in a neutral state where they see each other as importantly equal in the society, whether you study Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, no one is dominant over the other and no one is oppressed by the other. This assumes that concepts of exploitation, marginalization, powerless, cultural imperialism and violence do not exist; giving a link to the application of the third point stated by Young, that labour is divided and decision-making includes those who are disadvantaged and permits them to contribute without foregoing their particularities (Eisenberg, 2006, pg.8). This could be a utopia society, however looking at this theory with a critical eye we need to ask; is the theory distinctively different from wealth redistributing politics, if so, does it provide a normatively better approach to social justice or not (Eisenberg, 2006, pg.8). If the two classrooms are to share an equal amount of resources for them to become better citizen, does this occur for the sake of the process of redistribution to happen or it goes deeper to the recognition of their cultures and contribution of these groups to the well-being of the

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