Social Process Theories

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Social Process Theories The differential association theory theorizes that young offenders learn crime based on social interaction with other offenders. The young offenders look up to their role models, such as family members, friends, people from the local community, and public figures. The theory suggests that these said role models influence their personalities, interests, perceptions, and values in life. The containment theory advocates that juvenile offenders commit crimes based on internal and external factors in their life. The internal containment is based off of self positivity within the young individual. External containment represents the cushion in their environment around them. Social control theory explains how young individual’s…show more content…
Sutherland’s proved that young offenders learn to commit crimes from other people in their lives. Sutherland based his theory on, “the notion that criminal behavior is to be expected of those individuals who have internalized a preponderance of definitions favorable to law violations” (Bartollas & Miller, 2008, p. 58). When an adolescent is raised by or has a role model that commits crimes, defies the law, and has inappropriate social skills, this influences and teaches the young child that that is the proper way to act. “Individuals are taught their basic values, norms, skills, and perceptions of self from others, therefore, it makes sense that they also learn crime from, “significant others”(Bartollas & Miller, 2008, p. 59). The differential association theory has had some critics throughout the years. One critic suggests that, “people can be independent, rational actors, and individually motivated” (Boundless, 2014). The critique argues that not all young individuals are easily influenced by others and that they have the choice to not commit…show more content…
The reality of this, is that even though they have committed crimes, they are not different from other youths. According to Lambert, “primary deviation refers to the behavior of the individual, and secondary deviation is behavior resulting from society's response to that behavior. The judgement of society toward “delinquent” behavior cause the young individuals to be outcasts and pursue a longer life in crime committing. This judgement and labeling can force the young adolescent to carry on deviant behaviors into their adult life. Statistics Today, more than 37 million Americans live in destitution, populating the lower class neighborhoods, creating dysfunctional families and delinquent kids. The most recent national data suggested that there were approximately 760,000 active gang members in the United States. .33% of current gang members became involved because of parental influence. 49.17 of current delinquents have low self esteem control Inner containment through self-images are developed within the family and is essentially formed by 12. 37% of 500 youths from ages 12-19 say they do not get along with their

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