Social Exchange Theory

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Because of work roles and roles as organization member are the most important roles for employees, this study proposes that employee engagement has two different constructs Work and OE. Saks defined Organization engagement as strong commitment of employees toward their organization because they have strong beliefs that they are part of their organization (Ghosh, Rai, & Sinha, 2014). While work engagement has been defined by Schaufeli and Bakker as the psychological state that involves the behavioral investment of personal energy in which shows how the workers perceive their work experience as something that motivates and encourage them to devote their time and effort( the vigour components), as an important to be pursed( the component dedication)…show more content…
This theory can direct the organization justice toward employee engagement by effective interactions between individual and organization. In other word, employee will be more obligated to exert more effort in their job when they feel that their organization are treating them fairly, thus they will be more willing to engage highly with their work and organization(Cropanzano and Mitchell, 2005) but they are less likely to engage in their work when they perceive their organization as unfair(Biswas et al.,2013). Many researchers use fairness in determining the behavior and conditions of employees, thus fairness can increase the employee engagement if it positively perceived by the employees. Number of studies has been showed that employee will exhibit anger and irritation, and engage in more negative actions when they perceive negatively the organization decisions and managerial actions. On the other hand, employees will exhibit greater engagement in their work when they believe their organization is fair and just, thus they will respond to the fairness of their organization by showing organization citizenship behavior. (Ghosh, Rai, & Sinha,…show more content…
Therefore, Indian public sector bank should establish environment that foster the organizational justice, thus it will encourage employees to socially exchange attitudes with others. Moreover, Banks should take into consideration the employees efforts when they distribute rewards among employees based on organization standard. (Ghosh, Rai, & Sinha, 2014) The authors explore the application concept of relative deprivation by using the context of distributive justice. The existences of relative deprivation lead to positive perception of justice of employees in public sector bank by ensuring to distribute the outcomes fairly among employees such as pay and promotion. (Ghosh, Rai, & Sinha, 2014).McFarlin and Sweeney(1992) affirm that when organization create overall work satisfaction of the workforce and make innovative change in pay structure , the employees are more likely to positively perceive distributive justice. The research paper recommended Indian banks to create system that encourage employee to participate in decision making in order to assert the existence of procedural justice. Furthermore, The banks can integrate the interactional justice in interviews, performance appraisal and feedback by improving the interpersonal behavior
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