Bonds: Understanding And Working With Young People

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Bonds Understanding and working with young people What is BONDS? Bonds is a guideline for individuals or organisations to use when trying to have an effective approach when working with young people. Bonds = Meaning. The Collins dictionary meaning states 1. Something that binds, fasten or holds together. 2. Something that unites people. How to you can create a healthy BOND? I believe you can create a healthy bond with a young person by ensuring you meet three vitals components. These are stated below. Build Create Change Relationships Life Chances Expectations By instilling the three aspects listed above you create a BOND with a young person that will last past the time of the young…show more content…
The aim of using BONDS is to: • Give young people the best chance of receiving a high standard of service, care or support regardless of the type of establishment the young person is in. • To ensure that young people get the support needed to encourage a holistic development within their life. Firstly to apply BONDS we have to breakdown and dissect a variety of different aspects of a young person’s life. To work with young people we need to understand the factors that can affect a young people’s development. Throughout this guideline I will use references and facts from a variety of sources which can be found at the back so you can use for further information. About young people. The culture of young people and young adults in the UK today is very different from that of 40, 30, or even 20 years ago. The pathway to adulthood has changed. Compared with previous generations young adults are living for longer in the family home, being encouraged to remain in education for longer periods and are less financially independent. Young adults are also delaying marriage in favour of the more modern arrangement of living together. In a report carried out in 2011 by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) the following information was…show more content…
Inclusion has been magnified in a lot of schools due to the report done in 2004 DFES called removing barriers to achievement. This report is also used as an underlining principle for the ways schools are inclusive. Some people have questioned schools becoming too inclusive for example Dyson and Millward who created their own report to see if this was beneficial for students in education (this is called the Inclusion and Pupil Achievement report). Other than this report there has not been too much research carried out about inclusion and how this impacts achievement on students with and with SEN needs however the NPD (National pupil database) does provide a database regarding student’s achievement, attendance, gender, entitlement of FSM and SEN code. The data provided was done to set out to answer 5 main questions which
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