So We Read On Analysis

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In So We Read On by Maureen Corrigan the narrating style mirrors that of Nicks’ from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Corrigan’s uses a variety of sources and references without making this academic work like a textbook. Her humor lightens this book as well as her use of pronouns and personal experiences. Of the 6th chapter I Didn’t Get It the First Time, Gatsby’s endless hope inspires others to start their own journey toward their dreams. The Gatsby characters thrive in modern society’s marketplace, popular cultures and economy. Corrigan has different ways of interpreting Fitzgerald work. It would seem to be a logical explanation for these critical responses, but under the surface these tendencies become excessive tangents. Corrigan states that, “In New York City, the plaza hotel offers a luxury art deco stay in the Fitzgerald suite and Gatsby-themed cocktails in its bar” (269). In other words Gatsby’s hand in society swayed hospitality businesses. The Gatsby character also served dominance affect in marketing, a sophisticated diamond style cut was favored to Daisy classy appeal. The Gatsby fever travelled to Beijing in advertisement that resembles the billboard…show more content…
In making these comments Corrigan urges us to view Gatsby as a positive individual. Amongst these examples of Gatsby’s footprints Corrigan intercedes with a story-time adventure. She reminisces as a young child in Queens and how the times have changed a lot since then. She acknowledges her digression here by saying “And, anyway, what does it matter?”(277); but she still continues to tell another personal story of her trip back to her high school. The point of the reference was to share her findings of what high-school students thought of Gatsby, but it rebounds from the moment she gets caught up in the minute details of her cab

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