The Knight In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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In the General Prologue, Chaucer introduces many characters and uses many different form of characterization to describe these characters. One of these characters is known as The knight. He is an aristocratic, religious, noble, and honorable man who follows the code of chivalry. Chaucer used a few different kinds of characterization to help introduce who The Knight is and what makes him different from the other pilgrims. In some cases, like when Chaucer described The Knight's noble nature, Chaucer just says what The Knight is like. Chaucer starts this on line 43 by saying,"a most distinguished man", and again on line 53 by saying, "He often sat at the table in the chair of honor". In the first line Chaucer just said that he is very distinguished, but in the second line Chaucer, instead of just saying he is distinguished or honorable, he implied it. Chaucer implied, on line 53, that The Knight is a honorable man for he often sat in the seat of honor. This is just one of many examples that are used throughout The Prologue and for many characters.…show more content…
Chaucer does, for the most part, just say that The Knight is a religious man, but there is also an implied element used in The Prologue to describe The Knight's religious beliefs. Although most people in this time are religious and fear the church, some people live life to the fullest due to the plague that was widespread during that time. Chaucer, in line 55, just told the audience that he is religious by saying, "No Christian man so often, of his rank", and also implied his religious belief in line 45 by saying, "To ride abroad had followed chivalry". Chaucer, in line 55, just came out and said that he was a christian man. Chaucer also implied his religious belief, in line 45, by say that he followed chivalry. Chivalry or the code of chivalry is a code of love and religious belief followed by the upper class citizens in that
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