Mi Vida Loc Gender Stereotypes In Three Hollywood Films

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“Gangs have become a fixture in the Mexican-American populations of southern California and other regions of the nation. Beginning in the 1940s as a small number of neighborhood-based youth groups given to periodic outbursts of destructive behavior, gangs have evolved into very deadly and violent street entities” (Vigil). Giving Mexican Americans a bad impression to future generations. “Among them are historical experiences stemming from racial discrimination and economic barriers that have detrimentally affected Mexican American families and their children” (Vigil). These impressions have affected Mexican Americans in jobs, in schools, and as a society. Chicanos have been portrayed negatively and are usually depicted as poor and having no…show more content…
I chose these three films because they demonstrate the types of films that the Hollywood industry make to depict Chicanos. These films give us an idea of what types of message the audience might receive by watching these movies. More precisely, looking in depth on what the message the director and the writer working for the Hollywood industry want to send out to its audience. To answer these previous questions, this essay will examine the main protagonists in the three Hollywood films and the impact that the people living amongst them and their…show more content…
These two Chicanas, meet at a very young age and develop a strong friendship. Later becoming involved in a street gang where they are given the names of Mousie and Sad girl. Sad girl eventually gets intimately involved with Mousie’s lover, Ernesto, and ends up pregnant which begins the rivalry between the two friends. They confront each other and then realize after Ernesto’s death they should stay friends and protect each other from the danger within the

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