Skilled Nursing Facility Analysis

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To begin, a Skilled Nursing Facility, or SNF, is meant for people typically leaving the hospital who still require continuous medical care and therapy. Clients in a SNF do not require the intense level of care that is often given in a hospital. Qualified personal emphasize the client’s return to home by working on mobility, independence and working to return to everyday life, including continuing their occupational roles in a short-term care facility (Hofmann, 2015). In a long-term care or hospice setting, an occupational therapist may work on improving overall quality of life. A Skilled Nursing Facility can be either short term or long term and varies in client ages, diagnoses, and contexts. The goal of the occupational therapist in a Skilled Nursing Facility is to assist the client in returning home or remain in long-term care comfortably. In order to do so, the client must receive services to assist in learning or regaining performance skills, allowing increased participation in life. An occupational therapist can facilitate the client’s return to performance patterns, or their roles, routines, habits, and rituals. Using a client-centered approach the occupational therapist should incorporate the use of adaptive equipment, environmental modifications, and compensatory techniques, where necessary (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014).…show more content…
In most Skilled Nursing Facilities, the team members include a doctor to supervise care, registered nurses, a physical therapist, a speech language pathologist, as well as a social worker (Dugdale, 2013). When I shadowed in a Skilled Nursing Facility, the occupational therapist and physical therapist never did an evaluation alone. After doing the evaluation, they would meet to discuss intervention plans, so they could work together with the client to maximize his or her

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