Simon Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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In The Lord of the Flies, William Golding experiments if people can build a society without their inner evil coming out with the lack of structure or order. When the boys first are stranded, they struggle to make a society and they start to see a “beast” that haunts them. The boys spend a large amount of time and resources in order to hunt this beast, that is seen by the boys in many forms, such as a snake, a water beast, or a beast from the sky. Simon suggests that the beast is really just their inner evil and that there's really no tangible beast and that the “beast from the sky” was really just a killed parachute man from the war. The boys reject this and then think that Simon is the beast and they kill him. Simon tries to save the boys from the beast inside of them, but when they kill him their society falls along with Simon. Golding created Simon as a symbol of Christ, who tried to save the holy land from evil, but when the boys ignore their messenger their society falls apart.…show more content…
This beast haunts them because they always see it and they are consumed on hunting the beast, so it will stop haunting them. They continuously go hunting for this creature and waste a lot of their time. Through this, Simon becomes skeptical and suggests during a meeting that “maybe… There is a beast….(but) maybe it’s only us”.(89)) Simon alone knows the truth that the beast is not really a tangible “beast”, but more like the evil inside of them without the bindings of society. Because of this, his symbolic connection to Christ begins to develop. He is like the messenger that is the only one that knows the truth to the beast inside them. This is much like how Christ is the only that knows the truth to the evil inside the people in the holy land. This shows how Simon is a Christ figure in the story by being a messenger to save them from their
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