Odysseus Research Paper

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INTRO Odysseus, one of the first heroes of legend, is sometimes considered not heroic at all, in fact, he is seen as a terrible man with horrible morals. In this essay, I will make three different, important, points about the hero Odysseus that will help you understand why I believe Odysseus is a true hero. My first point would be how he prepares his crew for the dangers that await them just ahead, the island of the Sirens. Next, I will talk about how Odysseus risked his life to save his crew from the goddess, Circe, and her magic spell. And Finally, how Odysseus cunningly protected his men from the bewitching Siren's song. BODY 1 The first reason I believe Odysseus is a great hero because he warned his crew of the sirens. In Homer's…show more content…
First off, It states in Homer’s Odyssey that Circe seduced them into drinking her magic potion; they fell under her spell and remained on her island and acted as wild beasts. Next, Odysseus needed to rescue his men, and lucky for him, Hermes, the messenger god, heard his plea and told him how to outsmart the Seductress, Circe. Then, Odysseus spent a year as a sexual slave, committing adultery with Circe until he finally outsmarted her and had her tell him how to arrive safely home. And Finally,Many people criticize Odysseus for staying with Circe, but only a true hero would give up his vows to his wife to save his men and get home to his family. Odysseus reversed the spell of Circe, and was ready to set sail, but he knew that the Sirens would surely seduce his men with their song, so he devised a plan to keep his men safe from the sirens while still rowing the boat, and all he needed was…show more content…
In Homer’s text, it states that Odysseus took beeswax in his palms and heated it so it could be molded to the men's ears, like earmuffs to keep them safe. This shows that Odysseus truly does care for his men and took care of them, Odysseus made sure his men would get past the Sirens no matter
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