Simon Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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The final way Golding shows Simon as the spiritual figure is through the way he is treated by the other boys. The first time Simon is introduced, he “[flops] on his face [into] the sand” (20). The first point the reader learns about Simon is that he is physically frail, and the fact that others do not care about him, as Jack orders everyone to ignore his faint. Immediately the reader can tell that Simon is not like the other boys, and the other boys know this fact. Simon is already an outcast in this society. His frailty is juxtaposed with the handsomeness of Ralph, described a few pages before, and the demanding quality of Jack. Simon is meek and strange, causing him set himself apart as different to the other boys. The boys also show themselves to be cruel based on their…show more content…
They express no concern over the fact that someone has just collapsed in front of them. They are innately evil, as that is the nature of man, while Simon is innately good as he is the pure, spiritual figure. This is further exemplified as the boys are out looking for the beast. They left Piggy back at the shelters to look after the littluns, but out in the forest they realize the hunt will take longer than expected, and that someone ought to go back and inform Piggy of this. When no one volunteers to go back in the forest alone, Simon says “[he] wouldn’t mind” and goes off into the jungle (117). Simon shows his selflessness when he volunteers to do the act that everyone else is to scared to do. He understands how important it is that Piggy is informed of that no one will return, and he is willing to suffer through the trauma of the night to achieve this. The others let him leave, as they are not selfless like he is. Rather, they are cruel and willing to let him go. Golding yet again shows to the reader that the other boys are all insensitive, because that is human nature. Simon is the only exception to this, because he is wise rather than
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