Sigmund Freud Research Paper

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Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1856, in Freiberg, a small village in Moravia part of the Austrian empire, now Pribor, Czechoslovakia. His parents were the merchant Jacob Freud and his wife Amalia Nathansohn. The family of Jewish origin settled in Vienna in 1860, however they fled in 1937 to escape the Nazis. From an early age he had aspirations to be a research scientist but anti-Semitism compelled him to pick a medical career instead. Freud obtained his medical degree in 1883 and in 1884 published a study on "Uber Coca". Later he specialized in neurology, after obtaining this specialty he was awarded a scholarship at the Salpetriere hospital in Paris, where he studied with Charcot. He began his career as a neurologist, where he specialized…show more content…
So he started to look for mental clarifications of these manifestations and methods for treating them. Along with Breuer, he discovered that hysteria had no organic disease, but the symptoms were due to the effects of some traumatic experiences. Thus, he discovered that the suffering from hysteria one lives and relives there own…show more content…
She was a young woman who suffered from hysteria. Back then, hysteria be what it is today depression and hypochondria. This woman complained of tachycardia, frequent fainting, and skin problems. However, because of hypnosis these symptoms were in decline and even disappeared. Anna O problems were a result of having been subjected during her childhood to sexual abuse by a family member. On this basis, Freud raised the theory that behind every psychological problem exists another, of a sexual nature. Freuds closest colleagues, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung helped to form the movement of psychoanalytic, soon after the first international psychoanalytic congress was held in 1908 in Salzburg. The first publication on the journal of psychoanalysis was 1909 and during that year Freud and Jung made a tour of the USA lecturing. (From Gross. R (1996) Psychology, The science of Mind and Behaviour, page 508) Freud postulated that the mind has three subsystems: the conscious or what we think, the preconscious that is what is lacking in the conscious, but at any time can become conscious and the unconscious that is hidden and the conscience does not allow to surface. The unconscious emerges only through dreams, unintentional errors, as (Freudian slips) slips of the tongue, the free association of ideas and under hypnosis. His thesis emphasizes that mental processes are in themselves unconscious and conscious are only isolated acts or fragments

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