Musical Autobiography

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When I was in sixth grade I first picked up my father’s old guitar and immediately I began learning chords. I wanted to play the songs that I listened to and I sought immediate gratification. I strummed along to YouTube videos, used some of the knowledge from my five years of classical piano lessons, and began building up a repertoire tucked inside of a binder which became a symbol of my musical development. I began to get frustrated because all I wanted to do was to perform, yet I did not know how or where. I was inexperienced booking gigs, and I did not have a band behind me or any kind of agent to locate work. I emailed local coffee shops, fall festivals, and music venues, all of whom asked for demo tapes. I had not even entered a studio…show more content…
I was lucky enough to have a father who was willing to drive 13 year-old me to perform outside, while he sat inside and graded papers. People stopped and listened and requested songs. I fell in love with the life of busking. That summer, my family went on vacation to Montreal. I took my guitar along and played atop the hiking trails of Mount Royal. People gave me Canadian loons and toons, and a man even proposed to his girlfriend in front of the music. Later that month, while performing in New Haven, a journalist from the Yale Daily News approached me and asked me questions about what I did. Later that week, a Google alert was emailed to me, and I found out that I had been dubbed “New Haven’s Youngest Troubadour.” Busking turned into a job and led to other professional gigs as well. I was invited to play the Wooster Square Farmer’s Market in downtown New Haven and met some of the nicest people who still remain in my life. This led to the New Haven Museum placing my picture on the wall and getting featured in the Wooster Square exhibit for many
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