Should We Keep The Olympics Essay

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The topic of my paper is whether we should keep the Olympics or should not keep the Olympics.I think that we should keep the Olympics. I believe we should keep the Olympics because it is a fantastic way for the best athletes in the world to show what they can do. Also, it is a good way to keep athletes healthy. People are saying we should not keep the Olympics because the Olympics do not have all the sports. Yes they do not have all sports, but the Olympics keep growing so they could add the sports they don’t have. Another reason to keep the Olympics is because you can go watch some of the best athletes compete and spend time with your family having fun. I think that another important detail is that when the Olympics are coming athletes are on diets and training for weeks. First, I will be talking about how the Olympics keep growing. When people say we should not keep the Olympics because they do not have all of the sports in the world I disagree. I disagree because based on this picture it shows how the Olympics keep growing. The Olympics are growing vastly.…show more content…
Also, they go on diets so they can perform at their highest peak when they compete. It can be sad for the people who want to go watch some of the best athletes in the world. Yes, there are other things than the Olympics but there is nothing that can show all the best athletes. You know the Olympic athletes are the best because, they have to go through a trial to get in and only five of each sport from America can get into the Olympics. Lastly, if we take it away because a couple of sports are not in then it will not be fair to the other sports that are in. Also, the Olympics are growing so in a while all sports will be in the

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