Should There Be Living In A Utopian Society?

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“There’s no such thing as designing the perfect utopian city. Everything is subject to change. There are no final frontiers.” Google states that a Utopian society is "a modeled on or aiming for a state in which everything is perfect; idealistic." Some citizens may disagree with a Utopian society, because of the fact everyone should be different and have their own views on life. A second reason is nobody should ever be controlled like robots. The last reason in which citizens may disagree with a Utopian society is because they fear for future generations, kids growing up and not actually having any type of freedom to be themselves. Citizens should be different because not everyone has the same lifestyles, beliefs, or personalities. For…show more content…
In North Korean, citizens are not allowed to listen to American pop music, watch soap operas, or drink unless it is a special holiday. In the article A Tale of Two Countries, it states “It is a place where the outside world has been walled off. American pop music is illegal here and you can get executed for watching soap operas.” Some people may not like to be controlled and is a reason citizens disagree with a Utopian society. Citizens should be able to have freedom of speech in which people can speak their minds on what is right and what is wrong, and not fearing what the consequences might be. People should also have freedom of religion, citizens have faith in different beliefs that shouldn’t be taken away from them. No child should ever have their rights to have an education taken from them, knowledge is power. Knowledge gives kids to make better decision, to come up with more evolved and intelligent thoughts, and knowledge becomes p\art of who they are. In North Korea, kids are taught to hate America at a young age. As stated from an article, “Toy pistols, rifles, and tanks sit lined up in neat rows on shelves. The school principal pulls out a dummy of an American soldier with a beaked nose and straw-colored hair and explains that the students beat him with batons or pelt him with stones a favorite school yard…show more content…
As stated in an ABC news article, “Kim Jong Un said on Wednesday that North Korea would attack U.S. military bases in the Pacific in addition to South Korea if it’s “enemies makes the slightest movement,” according to the North’s official KCNA news agency. To have peace in the world citizens need to cooperate and actually find a way for citizens to get along. Peace can’t be done with just one person, the whole society needs to come together and find ways in which the problems can be solved. Also, what people don’t understand is the kids are the future. The kids in our generation are future nurses, presidents, teachers, and more. To try to make the world a better place for our kids, kids need to get along and educate themselves. Education is the first job in every kid’s life, it’s not to hate another growing up hating other
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