Dostoevsky's The Notes From The Underground

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The Notes from the Underground is a book about philosophy that expresses many psychological ideas. Dostoevsky shows examples of certain psychological ideas throughout his novel. Dostoevsky does this by presenting psychological studies of the main character in the Notes From the Underground using metaphor, ego-centric characterization, themes of alienation, and paradoxical events to illustrate the fundamental beliefs of the existentialist philosophers of this day. Many of Dostoevsky's writing is in the set in corrupt urban areas. This can be relatable to The Notes from the Underground because the Underground man lives the lifestyle of a poor, frustrated man. Dostoevsky in reality became fond of this type of living as he lived in St. Petersburg. Dostoevsky's opportunity to live in the area of criminals, even though he was a criminal himself, helps convey the dark themes that he used in the writing of The Notes from the Underground (Gibson 20). Dostoevsky was a corrupted man, and because of this, he wrote from the perspective of a corrupted man. Another background that has caused Dostoevsky to write they way he did…show more content…
It can be viewed as the Underground Man is not technically “Underground” but as “Underground” from society. That the novel is just the beliefs and views that the Underground Man looks at society as a whole. Also another example of a metaphorical view of society in the Notes from the Underground is that the whole story is just a dream inside of the Underground Man. According to Mochulsky, the Underground Man is expressing his dream society. The society that he wishes to take place in reality. This also goes hand in hand with the novel being paradoxical as well. The Underground Man understands that he has to face reality and his “dream society” cannot exist, yet he goes on about his dream society and cannot face the fact that the society that he wants cannot

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