Should Government Control Our Consciousness Essay

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We had a class discussion on whether or not that the government should be able to control your consciousness. I thought that this was very interesting and I will say yes to a certain extent. If you are heavily intoxicated then the government should be able to regulate your consciousness. If you are heavily intoxicated with a designated driver that has not been drinking then the government should not worry. But if you are a danger to your society and the people around you then yes the government should be able to control your consciousness. I remember when someone in the class said that they lost a friend to a drunk driver who was heavily intoxicated. And I just feel so bad for them because that situation can be prevented very easily. But nobody every thinks that they are going to take somebodies life over 2 drinks. I don’t know anybody that has been killed by a drunk driver or affected in anyway by an intoxicated driver. I just think that drinking and driving is wrong whether to if you can regulate a steering wheel or not. I feel like the government should regulate the amount of drinks that someone consumes. I think that there should be a limit regardless to the type of drink…show more content…
I feel like there is no problem if you become friends with a chicken you’re not doing no harm to anybody. But I feel like you should at least have one friend that you can speak to that is a living and breathing human being not an item. Then you said okay now what if the chicken has sexual intercourse with the chicken. I disagree with him having sex with a chicken because that isn’t right, why don’t you get a female to have sexual intercourse with. And having sex with an animal is a crime in some states it is a misdemeanor in others it is a felony it varies from state to state, In Missouri having sex with an animal or pet it is illegal. But then again it is his life so we can’t control what he

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