Self Monitoring Evaluation

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After taking the online self-monitoring assessment, my result was a 46 on a scale of 0 to 100. It described me as neither a high nor low self monitor. To improve the accuracy and validity of my results I completed the assessment in the textbook as well, where I scored a 9. A total score of 11 or above indicated a high self-monitor, therefore my results implied that I’m probably a low-self monitor. Personally, if I had to choose between the two, I would consider myself more of a low self monitor, since certain aspects of my behavior are usually consistent across most situations. I don’t find myself distrustful, but I see myself as a perfectionist, irritable, anxious, and introspective. However, I wonder if it’s possible to be both? I think that…show more content…
I think this concept of self-monitoring relates to it because the situation you are in may influence whether you are more or less high or low self-monitored. Just as Funder said in the text, some situations can make a person more or less shy, more or less friendly, more or less anxious, etc (p. 115). The situation you are in influences your behavior because each situation varies by its environment as well as the people who are present. An example of a situation that usually influences my behavior is going to a concert or going out to the bar for a few drinks with my friends. Generally, I am more introverted and don’t speak much around crowds or many people. However, when I am out with friends or in a situation that calls for drinking, I become more open, talkative, and…show more content…
I usually act on how I feel without thinking, which is something I’d wish to change. An example of a time when I was aware of a situation I could have handled differently, was when I was at a beef and beer event for my boyfriend’s friend. I am an introverted person and when I arrived at the event I became overwhelmed by all the people I didn’t know. I impulsively left within 20 minutes, and later regretted it because I upset him by leaving. Even though behaving differently in this situation, (perhaps more extroverted) would have been more appropriate, I still acted on the behavior I typically am consistently. This is an example of rank-order consistency, maintaining the way I usually am across situations. When I was reading the paragraph on heterotypic continuity, I related to the example Funder described about a shy child at a social gathering, and later on avoiding conversation with strangers. After reading chapter seven, I can say there are several aspects of my personality I wish to change, however, Funder is right that change can be hard. People tend to seek out the environments which they are most comfortable in(person-environment transactions), which makes sense, and relates to my example about the beef and beer. According to Funder, (as cited in Lucas & Diener, 2001,) a true extravert is miserable being alone, and equivalently a true introvert suffers at a party. It most certainly is

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