Performance Appraisal System Evaluation

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When it comes to employers, such as Healthcare organizations, in today's work environment they are looking ways to increase productivity, create a positive workplace environmental, build positive relationships between the organization, employee and supervisor, and a way to provide feedback to help make decisions concerning performance, pay and promotions and one way to achieve these goals is to utilize a performance appraisal system. After reviewing the four articles that I have chosen, they will be used to: to help define what exactly performance appraisal are, the major factors that effect/distort performance appraisals, how organizations and supervisors can motivate staff to do a good job, how managers can make the meeting more stressful…show more content…
Furthermore, it is an evaluation process, in that quantitative scores are often assigned based on the judged level of he employee’s job performance on the dimensions or criteria used and the scores are shared with the employee being evaluated” (DeNisi, 2006). Measurement issues are important for the performance appraisal process, as are issues of rater motivation, so there is a strong need for an organization to have a effective appraisal systems, where the raters have the ability to measure employee performance and the motivation to assign the most accurate ratings. It is also used to improve employee performance and provides input for the performance management process, performance management focuses on ways to motivate employees to improve their performance with the ultimate goal is to provide information that will best enable managers to improve employee…show more content…
It could lead to some of the factors that can effect/distort performance appraisals, such as: “In most organizations, performance appraisal appears to be, at best, a necessary evil required of managers to justify decisions about rewards and promotions and despite the value placed on performance appraisal”(Thomas, 1997). It is often seen as the most neglected, least-liked, and least-rewarded activities that managers are asked to perform and majority of the time the managers or second-level supervisors performing the review are not fully trained to perform these evaluations. In the article, Thomas goes on to state in this regard, that “90 percent of all organizations claim that managers receive training in conducting appraisal and interview sessions, but yet fewer than 25 percent of all managers, in turn, are evaluated on the comprehensiveness and accuracy of their appraisal of subordinates and spends fewer than eight hours each year per employee appraising and are truly qualified and trained to do evaluations” (Thomas, 1997) and with that being said there are few rewards for qualified appraising managers. Another factor in regards to this is that managers may rate employees lower than they deserve for shock effect, say if that manager

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