Scientific Advancement In Science

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Since the very first science discoveries of Galileo and Newton, only things that have been benefiting humans have been acknowledged. But what about all of the scientific “discoveries” that did not help people at all? Once a negative discovery is made in the environment, it starts as a chain effect that begins to affect everything negatively. This also applies to discoveries in any field. Science doesn’t allow humans to advance in beneficial ways because technological advancements and medical research are causing threats to human existence, environmental issues are increasing, and animal testing and cloning ends up being harmful rather than helpful. Technological advancements and medical research are causing more threats to humans’ existence.…show more content…
The biggest concern that Earth is facing is environmental issues. Some examples of it are depleting the ozone layer, increased global warming, reduced vegetation, climate change, and animal extinction. The development of industries and establishment of factories and plants have harmed everyone on the planet. Urbanization, improvement in infrastructure, and research and development, are some types of scientific advancements (ScienceStruck, 4). According to the Department of Environmental Protection, “air pollution is a problem for all of us. However, some groups of people are especially sensitive to common air pollutants such as particulates and ground-level ozone.” (5). The Department of Environmental Protection also states that scientific advancements, such as cars, are polluting the air and increasing the risk of acid rain, haze, wildlife effects, and many more that are producing harmful risks to human life…show more content…
Science is not allowing humans to advance in beneficial ways because technology and medical advancements are causing threats to our existence, causing an increase in environmental issues, and animal testing and cloning is more harmful than helpful. Science is not allowing humans to advance because scientific advancements are causing an increase in environmental issues, harm to animals because of animal testings, and technology and medical advancements are causing threats to our
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