Importance Of The Scientific Revolution

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The Scientific Revolution In the early modern era from 1550 to 1750, there was an emergence of advancements in mathematics, physics, astronomy, and other aspects of modern science. The focus of society’s brightest, such as artists and philosophers, shifted from the humanistic ideals of the Renaissance to the empirical elements of the Scientific Revolution. Artist-scientists began to explore the quirks of the natural world. The collective ambition to control nature through practical knowledge grew exponentially in the West. The Scientific Revolution had three main focuses consisting of the exercising of direct observations, reliance of mathematical verification, and the invention of new instruments while also heavily impacting the arts with scientific progression. A main focus of the…show more content…
These new instruments were used to measure natural phenomena, test hypotheses, and predict the operations of nature. Galileo Galilei, the contemporary of Johannes Kepler, improved upon a telescope which allowed him to observe a very far distance in space. With the telescope, he was able to confirm the heliocentric theory. Over time, other instruments were also created such as microscopes, slide rules, magnets, air pumps, and a mercury barometer. Due to other improvements in technology, there were advancements in optical science. For example, scientists had tools that could assist them with observing how a human eye functions while also being able to observe genesis and propagation of light. Likewise, by 1600, there was a more advanced version if the microscope which gave scientists the opportunity to view protozoa and human blood cells. In due time, scientists had the technology to make discoveries concerning human and animal production along with an accurate theory of
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