School Climate In Schools

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Students who have high connectedness to their school environment on a social emotional level are stated for to have acquired benefits, for example, academic achievement, future orientations and emotional stability (Lariviere, M. L., and Slate, J. R. 2014). The emotions and states of mind that are evoked by a school's situation are referred to as school climate (Goodenow, 1993). School is considered as a community, an ecological concept that allows the recognition of nature and school process that would build social system. These systems have an impact on students and are considered the general effectiveness of school. Hargreaves, Earl, and Ryan (1996) said that “one of the most fundamental reforms needed in secondary or high school education…show more content…
Lemoine (2004) stated that a school’s climate will determine its effectiveness on student and teacher factors such as academic achievement. McKinsey (2002) concludes that additionally, most educators believe the school’s atmosphere is an important influence on students’ personal development, motivation, and academic performance. Taylor and Tashakkori (1995) agree and point out that an important aim for future research is to examine the impact of school climate on student academic achievement. Climate however, should not be confused with culture since both are concepts that relate to the “feel” of a school, but they influence the life of the organization in different ways. The literature provides a variety of definitions of culture, however, there is plenty of disagreement among writers on how climate and culture are defined (Malak 2002). Extracurricular activities are student-selected activities in which students participate at school or in classrooms (Libbey, 2004). The idea of getting involved within the school…show more content…
Martin and Dowson (2009) asserted that the extent of connections and modeling has the potential to encourage academic motivation. This research is clear in presenting that students who actively choose to be involved in extracurricular activities can realize positive effects (Brown & Evans, 2002; Libbey, 2004; Martin & Dowson, 2009). Also it engages the student in another personal connection to the school environment that data suggest can increase school completion rates (Sinclair et al., 2003). According to Eccles and Barber (1999), by participating in structured activities adolescents make more productive use of their time, learn valuable skills, and establish positive social support networks. According to Larson (2000), structured youth activities can help to foster a sense of initiative, defined as the “capacity for agency, and autonomous action” which is essential for positive youth

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