Socrates: A Greek Philosopher

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Socrates was a Greek Philosopher who existed in the period c.469 to 369B.C. This period is usually known as the Socratic period as his honour and acknowledgment. In his philosophy, Socrates was more concerned with how people should behave under different situations. Ethics was his area of specialization in philosophy. He was the first significant philosopher of ethics. His philosophies were useful to other philosophers especially Plato who contributed majorly towards the foundation of the western philosophy. As a philosopher, Socrates made significant changes in the epistemology, ethics and logic fields. He established a strong foundation in the development of the methodology of philosophy commonly referred to as elenchus. His opinions concerning…show more content…
His entire life is not known to many due to lack of records. The plays of Aristophanes and the dialogues of Plato and Xenophon are useful in explaining Socrates life. Plato states Sophroniscus to be Socrates father who he refers to be a sculptor and stonemason. According to Plato, Socrates mother was Phaenarete who was a midwife. Socrates came from a family which was highly respected in the society due to its decency. However, the family was very humble since in most times they struggled to make ends meet. Socrates was found unattractive by many people due to his short size and untidiness. He rarely changed or washed his clothes. He married Xanthippe, a woman who was younger than him and renowned for her shrewishness. Socrates and Xanthippe were blessed with three sons namely Lamprocles, Sophroniscus and Menexenus. The three boys were very young during the trial and death of their father. The sons turned out to be silly and dull as a result they were not recognized in the…show more content…
Socrates continued with the profession of his father, but later he served as a member of the Senate of Athens. During the Campaigns of Potidaea, Amphipolis, and Delium he worked in the Athenian army. Socrates became a philosopher in late ages when he introduced diverse opinions concerning ethics and religion. He claimed to be loyal to the city due to his pursuit of truth in the Athenian politics and society. Socrates criticised the Athenian religion as well the Athenian democracy. During his trial concerning diverse opinions on Athenian democracy he praised his rival Sparta for leading some scholars in interpreting his trial. However, the trials had no firm foundations, and many people have criticised them. His paradoxical wisdom was considered as the crime which later appeared foolish to the general
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