School-Based Feeding Program

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The foregoing discussions on the implementation of School-Based Feeding Program in Agoo East and West District provide the following theories, concepts, studies, and insights that aided the researcher in arriving with the framework of the study. This study was guided by the Basic Need Theory (sometimes known as Maslows’ Hierarchical of Needs) “developed by Maslow Abraham (1908-70), in which all motives are derived from a hierarchical system of needs, from the ‘basic’ physiological needs through security and love needs to aesthetic needs and needs for self-actualization,” (The Longman Encyclopedia, 1989:482). People who lack food are unable to express for higher needs, (The New Encyclopedia Britannica Vol-7, 2005). According to this theory,…show more content…
These are known as physiological needs. They include food, shelter, health and clothing. They are primary needs and have to be catered for before other needs such as love. When this theory is applied to the study, the argument is that, when pupils are served with meals at school, they attend and stay in school and improve the attention span by relieving short-term hunger. Therefore, the provision of food through the School Feeding Programme by the World Food Programme (WFP) in conjunction with the Ministry of Education (MOE) can be considered to address the basic needs requirement hoping, therefore, to enhance school enrolment, attendance and performance. It can be a springbok to the attainment of education levels that would drive them ascend to the apex of the pyramid which is self-actualization. The School Feeding Programme could here be considered to be a stepping ladder pupils can use to achieve what is normally expected in a conducive learning process. This theory also indicates that no matter how long the ladder is, each pupil has to start with the lowest step. What it means therefore, in order to rise to the other needs up the stair of…show more content…
It requires the creation of a vision and mission in order to attain goals. Leadership to be operational needs leaders. Leaders that create by word and/or personal example influence the behavior, thoughts and feelings of the member in the organization as well as fellow human being (Gardner, 2006). Leadership according to Barnard (2001) is the ability of a superior to influence the behavior of subordinates and persuade them to follow a particular course of action. Leaders have their power to influence people. French and Raven (2005) identifies some power of a leader namely (a.) Legitimate power- comes solely from the position the superior holds in an organization. (b.) Reward power- comes by means of promotion, salary increases and interesting assignments. (c.) Expert power- comes from the leader possessing superior knowledge of the matter under discussion. (d.) Referent power- comes from the fact that subordinates identify with the leader and respect him/her. (e.) Coercive power- comes from forced actions and potential for

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