Schelling Model

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(1)-Is the model a complex system? Why? The model of segregation proposed by Schelling is a complex model as it fulfills the conditions of a complex system. A complex system has numerous elements involved in it, as in this model there are a number of turtles under consideration. The second condition is, these elements should be similar with each other, and turtles involved in this model are red and green, which are almost same in biological functioning, shape, eating patterns etc. and have only color differences among them. So we can say, the elements in this model are similar and hence fulfill the condition of complex system. The third condition is, these elements should have some interaction among them, as in Schelling’s model, all turtles…show more content…
The condition of, no pre defined rules of organization of elements is also meet as pattern of housing or turtles are not bounded by any law. This pattern is random in nature, although these patterns are stable in nature. All these arguments point out the at the model of housing pattern or segregation is a complex system. (2)-Which are the emergent patterns in the model? In emergence, a lot of small agents or entities interact with each other to make larger agents or entities. In this model, there are several simple agents ( e.g turtles) which interact with each other to make a chain of larger agents. The patterns shown by this chain of turtles or houses would not be illustrated by only few turtles. One of the properties of emergence process is, patterns of emergence are unexpected and in this model, the organization of these turtles is unexpected and unpredictable in real phenomena. In real practice, the percentage of similar wanted, percentage of similar and percentage of unhappy turtles are not readily known. So it can be concluded that all patterns for these cases would be emergent patterns. (3)-Does a threshold exist for the "% of similar wanted" parameter above which you…show more content…
One psychological reaction that is often allusion is the assault person syndrome. This has also been associated with post-traumatic stress disorder as victims of domestic violence are revealed to severe trauma and they may sometimes feel they are in danger even if they are not. “Many forms of verbal and psychological abuse appear relatively harmless at first, but expand and grow more menacing over time, sometimes gradually and subtly. As victims adapt to abusive behavior, the verbal or psychological tactics can gain a strong ‘foothold’ in victims' minds, making it difficult for them to recognize the severity of the abuse over time.” (Witness Justice, MA, USA, (4) domestic violence is a bigger problem in countries around the world. “An international survey by the World Health Organization of 24,000 women in 10 countries estimated lifetime physical or sexual abuse ranging from a low of 15% in Japan to 71% in rural Ethiopia” (WHO 2005:6) (Exhibit 2.1). (5) secondly Studies indicate” that 30-43% of children in the United States have witnessed some form of physical violence between their parents. This violence can have a profound effect
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