Filipino Education In The Philippines

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1. INTRODUCTION I consider this topic important because it is essential for students of Primary Education to know about other countries where English is spoken, apart from UK and US. Moreover, Philippines was a Spanish colonization in 1565 so Spaniards played an important role in this country, as religion and language demonstrate. In fact, “in the current school year 2014-2015, a total of 77 public schools in the 17 Philippine administrative regions taught Spanish (…) to develop a plan to reintroduce the Spanish in public secondary schools” (MEC, 2015). 2. PHILIPPINES: GENERAL INFORMATION • Location Aguilera (2012) specifies that Philippines, a country in Southeast Asian, limits in the north by the Bashi Channel; on the south by the Sulu…show more content…
The major cities are the capital, Manila, Davao and Cebu City. These data are an approximation as the population increases 1.9 % each year. The major part of Philippine people is immigrants that came from Indonesia and Malasya, that form the two main ethnic groups. “Those of mixed Filipino-Chinese descent result from contacts with China since the 10th century. Due to its unique history, there are also Spanish-Filipinos and Filipino-Americans. In addition, there are Chinese, American and Spanish minorities”. In relation to religion, people in Philippines are generally Christian (90%) due to the more than four hundred of years being dominated by America and Spain. Also, muslin located in the Sulu Archipelago and Mindanao and aboriginal groups in Luzon are found. “Small forest tribes still live in the more remote areas of Mindanao”. The spoken languages in Philippines are Filipino, that is the official national language, and English, that is the language of government and instruction in education. “The four principal indigenous languages are Cebuano, spoken in the Visayas; Tagalog, predominant in the area around Manila; ilocano, spoken in northern Luzon, and Maranao and related languages spoken in…show more content…
Nowadays, since the scholar year 2012/2013 a new curricular plan called k+2 has been applied (see Appendix 1). This implies increasing three years the basic education: one year in Kindergarten and two in Secondary Education (MEC, 2015). At the age of eighteen people can vote, but it is not

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