Scenarios Of Climate Change

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Possible Scenarios My first possible scenario is that animals and plants will be severely impacted by climate change. If climate change continues, the world would have imbalanced ecosystems where life cycles and migration patterns are disrupted, and many of the shifts in climate patterns could destroy habitats with animals being displaced. Other species of wildlife may not be able to adapt to the new temperatures and conditions, and they would face extinction. Scientists predict that about 25% of flora and fauna may not survive if temperatures go beyond 20C. My second possible scenario is a world that is free of climate change. If we humans were to somehow put an end to climate change in the future, the world would be safer as we would ultimately…show more content…
Many people believe that climate change doesn’t exist. It is difficult for many countries to spread awareness as there is a limitation to communication and media, and also high levels of illiteracy. To create awareness, one needs to begin from development in education and better modes of communication that everyone can access easily, for example, posters. Another way to prevent climate change is to reduce emissions of cars or use green cars for transport. Transport is responsible for 29 percent of carbon emissions globally. Some major car manufacturers have made an agreement to reduce emissions in their models. However, to really reduce climate change, aviation needs to decrease carbon emissions. Aviation is one of the most carbon intensive modes of transport, and is the fastest growing cause of climate change in the world. To reduce climate change, people should be encouraged to use other modes of travel. One other way to eradicate climate change would be to use better options, for example, renewable energy resources. Such products do not encourage climate change and have no consequences. The downside is that most sources of renewable energy are expensive and therefore there is not much use of renewable energy in comparison to other energy sources. Renewable energy makes up 20% of the total world energy consumption. If renewable energy were made cheaper and accessible, it would be in demand ergo, there would be a severe decline…show more content…
Climate change has become a major issue of interest all over the world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased since the 19th Century from 280 ppm (parts per million- ratio of carbon dioxide molecules to other molecules in the atmosphere) to 380ppm by the year 2005. The concentration of methane and chlorofluorocarbons have increased since the year 1750 until 2005. The city of Miami, in Florida along with Guangzhou, in China has the highest incidence of challenges caused by climate change. According to Lai (2011), the China Meteorological Administration has found that the average temperature of the earth’s surface in China has risen by 1.1 degrees Centigrade. The locals in such areas suffer from climate change and natural disasters such as hurricanes and tropical storms, and are thus displaced from their homes and lose their sources of finance. Miami has many people living under less than 120cm above sea level, accounting for over two million people whose homes and livelihoods are at risk. Guangzhou itself has already faced extreme weather which has killed dozens of people and cost the city 85 million dollars. In 2005, over two million people were exposed to coastal flooding but by the year 2070, scientists predict

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