Sati Practice In India

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g to such anti women practices. They are Sati practice, child marriages & Dowry deaths. This research structured by three parts, First historical origin of each anti women social practice and its position of the society, second how did the law tried to prevent such anti women social practices? Thirdly what is the current position about such anti women practices? Was the law successful? According to the Sati practice after the death of the husband wife should jump to the fire that husband’s body burning. This can be voluntary or forcefully. The historical origination of the Sati practice. It’s unable to identify what is the exact time that Indian society adopted Sati practice. However mythological origin of the Sati practice was based on historical…show more content…
Concerning about the laws relating to prevention of Sati practice in India, it has long evolution. The first regulations for prevention of Sati practice was made by colonial governors of the India. In historically the Portuguese and the Dutch banned Sati practice in some counties of the India.12 However these laws are did not applied for whole Indian society, because very limited ground was controlled by the Portuguese and the Dutch. However the most effective laws relation to the prevention of Sati practice was introduced by British Government. “The rite of sati was prevalent in India until it was prohibited by the British Government in 1829.Regulation XVII of 1829.”3 Under this regulation Sati practice become illegal inside the India. There under person who contributes to Sati practice will be convicted for manslaughter therefore such a person could receive death sentence. However after passing this law some Hindus made an appeal to Privy Council in England But it had been…show more content…
Indian National Crime Records Bureau provides there were 8,233 dowry deaths occurred in 2012. In 2011 8,618 dowry deaths were recorded by 385 during the years. Vrinda Grover a leading lawyer in India states dowry death cases can only be regarded up to seven years after the marriage therefore most victims of the dowry deaths are young women and new brides. She further says .19 According to Vrinda law is not mach effective prevent dowry deaths because she finds the conviction rates provide legal system in a poor position in investigating and prosecuting crimes. Also the Indian National Crime Records Bureau statistics prove there are high numbers of dowry deaths still prevail in India. In 2014 26 years old women was killed by her husband and in laws because she failed to fulfill dowry demands.20 In 2014 29 years old Pooja has committed suicide. Her father complains this was due to her husband’s demanding of dowry.21Above two cases provide good evidence about the dowry deaths in recent India. Therefore, law relating to dowry deaths appeared to be less

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