Descriptive Cross Sectional Survey

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Methodology The study was a descriptive cross-sectional survey. The survey design according to Alonge (1989) involved collecting data to assist the researcher to answer the research questions formulated about the problem. It was therefore best for this study because a self-developed questionnaire was used to collect data. Its aim was to provide accurate quantitative information about certain designated characteristics such as what influence students during career decision- making process. Furthermore, this design is preferred because Gay (1992) opined that it deals with issues as they are, it also gives an accurate description of the issues under study. This implied that the research design helped to provide a comprehensive picture on what…show more content…
This was designed based on the research questions and consisted of close-ended items. The likert scale questions allowed respondents to choose the extent to which they agree or disagree to a statement. The response mode was: Strongly Disagree = 1, Disagree = 2, Agree = 3 and Strongly Agree = 4. The questionnaire was in three sections: Section A comprised demographic data of students and career decision-making scale. The number of items was 3 and 10 respectively. Section B comprised 10 items on home factors that influence career decision-making of students. Section C comprised 4 items on school factors that influence career decision-making of students. The content and construct validity of the instrument were ensured by the thesis supervisor and other lecturers in the Department of Psychology and Education for corrections and suggestions. The pre-testing of the instrument provided its reliability…show more content…
According to Kumar (2014, p.179), collective administration is one of the best ways of administering a questionnaire, is to obtain a captive audience such as students in a classroom, people attending a function, participants in a programme or people assembled in one place. This ensures a very high response rate as few people refuse to participate in the study. There was personal contact with the study population, to explain the purpose, relevance and importance of the study and can clarify any questions that respondents may have. Data Analysis The data of coded responses were entered into the computer using the Statistical Product for Services Solution (SPSS) application software for analysis. Descriptive statistics, specifically frequencies and percentages were used to analyses the data. Correlation and Linear multiple regression was used to analyses research questions 1 and 2. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were tested using independent samples

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