The Giver By Lois Lowry

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In the novel The Giver, Lois Lowry creates a powerful and provacative story about a boy named Jonas who's chosen for something special in his community. He lives in a strict neighborhood with numerous rules. Two children are assigned to appropriate family units, one male and one female. Citizens are assigned their spouses and their jobs. The community is a world without conflict, divorce, unemployment and injustice. Like other novels, The Giver has a theme, a message from the author to the reader. Lowry has shown Jonas's community rejecting possibilities where people are free to move society forward and she conveys the importance of freedom of choice and individuality. Everyone is the same except Jonas. As Jonas turns 12 he attends…show more content…
Jonas was chosen for something special (The Reciever) and begins his training with a mysterious aged man known as The Giver. Lowry shows the readers that there is no easy walk to freedom and individuality in Jonas's society. With this in mind, Jonas feels limited. Eventually, The Giver explains that " We don't dare to let people make choices of their own." (124) With this quotation we see that The Giver finds it really serious to protect people from wrong choices. On the other hand, if the people had control on thier own decisions, they would choose wrong. He points out "What if they were allowed to choose their own mate? And they chose wrong? Or what if they chose their own jobs? Frightening, isn't it?"(124) Above all, The Giver strongly believes it's absurd letting people decide, coupled with disaters along the way. This expressivly shows that the community strives to be "flawless" and closes ideas on individualiy. Another key point is that Sameness is valued in Jonas's nieghborhood. Sameness is a world where everyone is the same, everything is colorless, everyone feels the same and dresses the same. However, Jonas has his disagreements. As The Giver transmits more memories to him,
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