Rose And Crown Case Study

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Introduction The purpose of this task 01 is to propose few new ideas to re generate the brand of “The Rose and Crown”. And the same time it conveys new staff policy as a proposed solution for identified problems such as labour turn over, less staff morale. Due to various reasons the few past year “The three Rose” has been experiencing a difficult time. As the front office manager the author wants to get The Three Ross back to the fast growing company, increase the staff morale and build up a delighted customer base back. The author strongly believes that, this can be done by increasing the quality of the service which is the most important at this stage. With this report author represents a step by step practical plan for build up a delighted…show more content…
Service business operators often assess the service quality provided to their customers in order to improve their service, to quickly identify problems, and to better assess client satisfaction.” In other words the quality is the key factor of the service that differentiates the service from other competitive businesses. The quality of the service is remembered by clients and it is less cost way of marketing. Define the Quality in Hospitality “Quality in the tourism and hospitality industry involves consistent delivery of products and guest services according to expected standards.” 1.2 The Quality Control and Quality Assurance In terms of quality management, there are two wordings are using Quality assurance and quality control, where can find both advantages and disadvantages in both. But the same time both are important roles when it comes to quality management of a service. Here are the IOS 9000 definitions of the both terms Quality Control: “A part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements”. Quality Assurance: “A part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled.” The author’s idea is to incorporate with both two theories when improving the quality of the…show more content…
• Monitoring will be with the intent to track successful improvement. 2. Areas expected to be satisfactory • These areas may be identified as perceived strengths in your pharmacy. • The intent of monitoring may be to verify that processes are done correctly and to B. identify unsuspected weaknesses. C. Design a method to measure the identified areas. entire prescription log book to quantify counseling documentation) A. Consider a method that can be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time by appropriate staff. Keep it simple. B. Consider a method that can be done consistently as part of normal procedures. F. Determine how often the measurement will be repeated and make plans to ensure it is not forgotten. G. Set appropriate goals • Perfection is not always a realistic goal. Determine what is acceptable for your practice. • Set an attainable goal and be prepared to update the goal when it is achieved. • Include instructions on what the person taking the measurement should do if the goal is not met (e.g. who to contact) H. Be prepared to make new plans when goals are not met • Set a deadline for when unmet goals will be
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