How Did Louis Xvi Contribute To The French Revolution

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Though King Louis XVI contributed significantly to the overthrow of the monarchy, he was a small factor in a much larger and more complex event. The roots of the revolutionary idea reach further back than simply the 18 years that Louis ruled. The revolution was a formulation of blunders from past monarchs, the rise of enlightenment thinking and a series of events that highlighted the inequality of the feudal system. Though Louis XVI was used as a justification of an entire society’s rage against generations of oppression, he as the monarch was a symbol of the years of suppression that the French people had to endure. Only indirectly was the revolution aimed at Louis XVI, as most of its causes were already put in place before his rule. Historians Eric Hazan, Munro Price and Lord Elton study the revolution somewhat objectively and provide substantial evidence toward this argument. It would be credible to suggest that the extent Louis XVI contributed to the French Revolution is minimal. He was simply a weak monarch, unable to take on the accumulated mistakes of his predecessors and the unanticipated rage of the French people. Commonly described as a…show more content…
This “devastating act” was revoking the Edict of Nantes; this was a law deeming Protestants illegal within France. The detrimental nature of this act leads to the dismissal of Necker. Due to the Edict of Nantes, proclaimed protestant Jacques Necker was not allowed to sit on the king’s council. Therefore allowing Charles Alexandre De Colonne to take his place and terminate his long-term remedy to Frances debt. This subsequently made the debt from the American Revolution concrete, and directly influenced the French Revolution. Therefore due to the protocol that Louis XVI had to follow, the debt accumulated by the intervention in the American Revolution was not his

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