Suleiman The Magnificent Research Paper

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Magnificent: impressively beautiful, elaborate, extravagant, striking, excellent. A word that was used to describe the life and characteristics of Suleiman by Europeans but, to Suleiman’s people, he was the Kanuni or Lawgiver. Suleiman the Magnificent reigned as the Ottoman sultan from 1520-1560, the longest reigning sultan and the most famous for the “golden era” that he elicited during his reign. Suleiman was a fierce warrior dedicated to expanding his countries’ land, as well as a leader whom was invested in developing his country internally and aiding in its growth and development. Suleiman inherited the empire from his father Selim the Grim, when finances were plentiful, a strong and growing army ready for battles, and had the support…show more content…
His first victory resided in the overthrowing of Belgrade, a vital fortress on the Hungarian border. The next year, finishing a conflict his father had started, Suleiman captured the fortress on the Island of Rhodes and evicted the Knights of St. John. These first two battles were more than just victories for Suleiman, the victories solidified his name as a competitor that should not be taken lightly. People in Europe started to see what the Ottoman Empire under Suleiman was capable and began to see them as a threat to Europe. One of those people was the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. Through Suleiman’s early and quick dominance in battle, Charles realized that Suleiman was not to be taken lightly. Suleiman had trained well under his grim father, and possessed great attributes as a leader, characteristics that warranted a march against him and his empire. From Suleiman’s perspective, Charles V was already a threat to his future advances. Suleiman worried that Charles being announced as Holy Roman Emperor aided in the idea that Christendom might unite against him. But, at the same time the Reformation was doing a fair job of keeping the countries from being united. However, for Suleiman, Charles was a threat either way and made the case for him to make advances towards his empire. Suleiman did not make an advance against Charles until the Battle of Mohacs, the greatest in Suleiman’s

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