Romeo And Juliet Analysis

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Ultimately, Lord Capulet and his wife should be held responsible for the untimely and tragic demises of Romeo and their daughter Juliet as they were very oppressive, caused violent tendencies with their stubborn nature, and they did not generally care about Juliet’s emotions or opinions. In the inevitably tragic play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, we are introduced to two young, “star crossed lovers” who are incredibly naive and unlucky. The two were incredibly determined to make their relationship work despite the feuds between their respective families. However, while their love was true and intense, it wasn’t entirely at fault when it comes to their deaths. While the relationship may not have worked as Romeo is dramatic and…show more content…
Ironically, in doing what they think is best for her, or their family in general, they are really doing the exact opposite. Juliet was pushed to go to drastic measures very quickly in order to get out of the situation she was forced into. Because of the haste of Juliet’s parent moving her wedding to Paris to Thursday, it had caused a severe shortage of time. This said shortage of time caused a rash message to be sent to Romeo in regards of Juliet’s faked death, which had ended up being delayed anyhow. There was simply not enough time for a proper understanding between Romeo and Friar Laurence. The plan had a good base, and had a much higher chance of being successful if they would've had the correct amount of time. The plan was only made because of the Capulet’s decisions. Lord Capulet had even told Juliet that he would disown her if she had ever decided to be with Romeo again. Lord Capulet had said, “Hang thee, young baggage, disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday or never after look me in the face” (Act 3.Scene 5.160-162). Moving the wedding caused a lot of things to go wrong, and eventually lead up to the death of Romeo and…show more content…
We never heard much from Romeo’s parents regarding his relationship with Juliet, but the Capulets were not having it. Obviously, the Montague still did hold a grudge, but we never see any Montague initiating something that could end in death. Tybalt is a good example here. He was absolutely relentless with his violent advances towards Romeo and his family members, and I feel as if Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet had been more open minded, others in the family would’ve also, and had not jumped to violent solutions so quickly. Tybalt had said “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward!” (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 68). This proves that the hatred from the Capulets to the Montagues is so strong that even still it is being passed down to, and affecting, the younger

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