Roman Wall Style

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Roman architectures are the combination of Greeks and Estruscan art. Roman wall paintings were true frescos, where the walls are filled with multi-colors making everything look real life. This art is done very carefully with the painters covering the wall with several layers of plaster before beginning to paint. After the painting is complete, the final step painters would do is apply a coating that would give a marble-like effect. Majority of the Roman wall paintings are mural designs broken down into four different styles, also known as four “Pompeian Styles.” The First Style, or Masonry Style, is where “the decorator’s aim was to imitate costly marble panels using painted stucco relief” (Kleiner 191). An example of the First Style is the…show more content…
Instead, the Third Style was the period where Roman painters “adorned walls with delicate linear fantasies sketched on predominantly monochromatic (one-color) backgrounds” (Kleiner 194). An example of the Third Style is the Boscotrecase, created around 10 BCE. In this wall painting, the artist did not use any illusionistic painting to penetrate the wall. Instead, the Boscotrecase is a painting consisting a tiny landscape that is surrounded by a delicate and elegant architectural frame. In other examples of Third Styles walls, landscapes and mythological scenes appear in frames. This is similar to the modern easel paintings hung on the…show more content…
In the Fourth Style, painters provide viewesr with the idea of illusionism once again and was popular in the 50s CE. One example of this style is room 78 in the emperor Nero’s Golden House, which also illustrate a kinship with the Third Style. In room 78, all the walls are painted creamy white. “In some areas the artist painted sea creatures, birds, and other motifs directly on the monochromatic background, much like the Boscotrecase landscape” (Kleiner 194). Though the idea of illusionism returned, the paintings of the Fourth Style are irrational fantasies. Viewers looking at these paintings will not be seeing any cityscape or temples but instead, they will see fragments of buildings. Paintings on the Ixion Room of the Pompeian house of the Vettius brothers are examples Fourth Style paintings. The room consist of decorations of a combination of all the previous styles. The lower level of the room is full of multi-colored marbles, which the arts are very similar to First Style paintings. There is also signs of Third Style paintings located at the corners of the room, where the walls are flourished with floral frames and floating central motifs. Fourth Style paintings are located at the center and upper level of the walls. The upper level of the paintings show no signs of any unity of cityscapes. In the center of the wall are mythological panel paintings, where artists painted Hera, Zeus, and other gods. The Fourth Style

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