Cleopatra Research Paper

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Cleopatra Bibliography Cleopatra known as one of the most famous Egypt rulers, not only was she known for her seductive way of getting what she wanted, but was known for being a powerful women. Cleopatra VII Philopator was born 69 BC and died 30 BC, she was the last active pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt. Cleopatra was known for her looks, and how beautiful she was, every man would fall for her. Little after she was eighteen years old her mother and father past away, leaving her 13 year old brother Ptolemy Xiii Theo’s Philopator as ruler of Egypt. Unfortunately Ptolemy was too young to rule a country, which is why his sister Arsinoe became representative of Ptolemy. The people were worried about Egypt, Egypt was in the hands of a boy. Ptolemy wanted…show more content…
Ptolemy went to Julius Caesar ruler of Rome, asking him to partner up with Egypt. Cleopatra as the middle child had a different plan than her siblings. She asked one of the guards to cover her in blankets and sail her to the Roman Empire. The result of this was Cleopatra and Julius Caesar having an affair. Their affair went from a one-night stand to falling in love. With Cleopatra in love with Julius Caesar, Cleopatra got the ruler of Rome to be on her side. He came up with an idea that is Cleopatra married her 13-year-old brother she can be queen. Julius Caesar supported her, and sends men to go kill Ptolemy Cleopatra's brother leaving her as the queen of Rome. Cleopatra had finally got what she wanted, She became a very powerful women. Cleopatra had both her sisters murdered. She was a woman with power but many were afraid of her. She stood for everything that roman men did not like; she was an extremely dangerous woman who became really close to ruling the Roman Empire. Every man would fall for her charm, she did not like to be seen as weak, just because she was a women. Cleopatra was independent and very smart. She used her intelligence and beauty to get what she wanted. At 47 BC Cleopatra and Julius…show more content…
August 12 13 BC was the date of her death. “National Geographic” a well-known source confirms “Cleopatra killed herself by allowing an Egypt Cobra to bite her”. Many say, she had experimented with prisoners, making them her guinea pigs. She tested out snakebites, to see which one would kill faster. The source used above has been used as a reliable source many have lean on before to back up evidence that is why it can be trusted. Her death is still not known till this date. Some say she killed herself with the snake, and some say she drank poisoned. In this case, majority says she was killed by the
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