Misguided Illusions In Macbeth By The Three Witches

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When an individual’s morality can be effortlessly misguided illusions can easily become their new reality. In Macbeth, the author, William Shakespeare suggests that the deeper an individual falls into a state of illusion the more distant from reality they become, and as a result their actions will be clouded by mislead intentions. This is most prominent in Macbeth by The Three Witches, who misinform Macbeth on more than one occasion. The way Macbeth perceives their lies leads to Macbeth betraying The King and his friends continuously. However, an individual can only live in a state of ignorance for so long. Unfortunately, Macbeth realizes his mistakes too late and the consequence he must pay is already playing out. Illusions deceive an individual…show more content…
A person usually wants to know more information because they are trying to fit pieces together for their ideal reality. Macbeth first encounter with The Three Witches leaves him puzzled. In (I. iii. 53) the Third Witch states “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” Macbeth is justifiably confused because King Duncan lives and the heir to the throne is his son Malcolm. However, Macbeth is also intrigued by this absurd proposal. The witches also give Macbeth’s friend and a General in the army, Banquo, a prophecy too. Third Witch also says in (I. iii. 69) “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.” The witch is saying that Banquo’s family will eventually rule in Scotland, generation after generation. This leaves Macbeth feeling threaten because he believed he would be king and his family would rule. Macbeth’s last meeting with The Three Witches leaves him feeling more confident than ever. He is told three apparitions, the first in (IV. i. 78.) states “Beware Macduff,” the second says in (IV. i. 88-89) “ The power of man, for none of woman born/ Shall harm Macbeth.” Lastly, the third apparition declares in (IV. i. 101-103) “Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until/ Great Birnam Wood to Dunsinane Hill/ Shall come against him.” To clarify, the prophecies Macbeth was told gave him the confidence to allow his sinister side to take control for the first time. Alas, this resulted in the wrongful death…show more content…
Macbeth’s downfall happened rapidly. In (V. Viii. 23) Macbeth states, “And be these juggling fiends no more believed.” After what the first and second apparition said came true, Macduff declared that he was ripped from his mother’s womb, hence resulting in the last apparition to become a part of reality. This fortunately lead Macbeth to realize he was deceived; however it latter proved to be too late. With the realization he had been tricked Macbeth conscious comes back as he refuses to fight Macduff. (V. Viii. 26) “And break it to our hope! I’ll not fight with thee.” This moment shows Macbeth’s return to his forgotten humane ways and his last noble act. Although, Macbeth wanted to make his wrongs right, the damage he caused was inexcusable and he paid with his

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