Role Of Media In The Media

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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction In the current media world, human beings are dragged and fascinated by different media outlets. Public ingestion of the media has enlarged since the origin of various new channels of new media. Therefore, the audiences have multiple choices to consume media content. For example taking various kinds of electronic media content consumed widely by the people, has immense implications in society. Media content always contain realist effects by imbibing and applying realistic approaches in the production process. This process manipulates the philosophy of presence and absence such as something absent is presented before the audiences are felt as real. Thus the reality effect sutures the audience to…show more content…
Therefore, women are acting quickly to become part of this successful market, working at different positions including news caster, anchors, writers, producers, reporters and editors and so on. But, the conventional societal structure with male dominance has raised concerns for physical, psychological and emotional insecurities of women within their working cultures. 1.2 Mass Media Mass media is not only to inform and instruct but also to entertain certain values in the society. The media fully steep the lives of the general people in the society. Any new idea about entertainment and other forms distributed to the huge masses in the society promptly is a force of wonderful influence on today's world. Communication is an important need of the human being besides physical requirements of food and shelter. Lasswell (1984) outlined three basic functions of communication. 1. The relationship of the parts of society in responding to the environment. 2. The transmission of the social tradition from one generation to the next…show more content…
Traditionally, men are constantly uncovered as a dynamic, daring, intense, sexually forceful and to a great extent uninvolved in human connections. Similarly as tried and true with social perspectives of sexual orientation are representations of ladies as sex articles who are typically youthful, thin excellent, aloof, subordinate, and regularly pointless and imbecilic. Female characters give their essential energies to enhance their appearances and in dealing with homes and individuals. Since media diffuse our lives, the ways it distorts sexual orientations may adjust how we see ourselves and what we see as typical and attractive for men and ladies. Women all over the world face refinement in various domains of life, including the ‘work place’ and the ‘home’. According to the World Development Report (WDR) for 2012, ladies will probably work in the casual segment than men, gain not as much as men for comparative sort of work, and will probably be less paid and stay

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