Importance Of Picture Book

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3.2.1 Development of skills of a child in education by using picture book According to Jalongo (2004) she indicates that Nodelman and Reinmer are tried to mention about the effectiveness of using picture books on young children. They explain that picture book is an important segment in Child’s literature. Essentially it is connected with the children’s behaviors and thinking patterns with learning patterns. While reading a book by child as the first thing is to identify the story through the various structures, form and patterns. They are trying to grab an enjoyment with pictures and text in that structure. It is include some characters and children are favor to experience those characters in the picture book after analyzing them. It is…show more content…
It makes child’s thinking patterns into different perspectives beyond what they got from the story book. It is a wide area which is involve with the some attitudes, insights, imaginations of a child education. As a visual communication tool picture book is a primary source to motivation for children’s creative thinking and literacy. 3.2.2 Interactive simple concepts behind the children’s picture book Likewise nowadays children have an effective connectivity with the children’s picture book. It is make some interaction with their activities, believes and well as their talents of creativity. A favor of reading picture books is good insight to make creative works as well as educational levels of child. Story in a picture book is more important than a story in a book for adult. They are completely different with their ambitions. So that picture book is the first platform for create the imaginations of child through visual language in a printed media. Child is trying to observe the outside world through the stories of picture books. They are something new for their learning patterns. It is like a watching outside through the window beyond the own family. It is also useful to make good thoughts like love, affection, and pity about others. According to that stories for children should prevent from bad inspirations like negative feelings and wrong pre judgments about…show more content…
Cover, shape, size, “feel” in our hands, kind of paper used, etc. Picture book is one of the most interesting medium for children .Picture book is a combination of the art of storytelling and the art of illustration. According to some picture books those authors and illustrators have used that elements to buildup their stories effectively to the children. Because they are usually intended to be read by children aged 3-8. A children’s picture storybook usually comes in the structure of elements. These are the some famous picture books in children’s world in the following:  Mr. Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham

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