Tidal Model Of Tidal Model

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Introduction Disasters affect people in different ways. Individuals, who have faced a traumatic event experience, inevitably suffer from psychological stress. When that stress impairs the normal function of that person, it indicates that the trauma is simply too damaging to manage and indicates the manifestation of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Someone who experiences intense fear and helplessness after, injury or threat of injury or death may experience certain symptoms that point towards PTSD. Traumatic incidents that can be physical abuse, accidents and rape. Rape is a type of sexual assault that causes great emotional turbulence. Given the power of sexual violence, it need not be unremitting to perpetuate an environment of unrelenting…show more content…
This fluid nature of life is the basis of the Tidal model. The tidal model views Life as a journey, which involves the experience of good health and sickness. At critical points of this journey one may be faced with a crisis, which may cause a breakdown and thus would need some form of rehabilitation to recovery. The focus of the Tidal model is to provide support that will help one out of a crisis and lead them back to their course of life. People who have mental trauma or illness, require a sophisticated type of rescue, psychiatric nursing. Once this is complete, it is important for the treatment plan to emphasize on helping the patient to return back to normal, meaningful life. The care response needs to flow with the person, adjusting to the changing needs of the patient. If the focus remains to be the needs of the person during the phases of crisis, transition and development, the need for a holistic approach becomes more apparent. A holistic approach would entail the involvement of a multi disciplinary team. This model is focused more on engaging with the person rather than the disorder. The goal of this engagement is to fully comprehend the present condition of the person, which includes their relationship with the disorder they have. The Tidal model does not show importance to unravel the cause of the person’s problems but instead deals with the actions to be taken in the future towards…show more content…
Insomnia and nightmares are characteristic in the symptom cluster or reliving the traumatic event. Trazodone has shown to be effective when treating nightmares and insomnia associated with PTSD (Warner, Dorn, & Peabody, 2001). Currently, the management of PTSD remains symptom driven and often commands the competent usage of several drugs and psychotherapy to adequately treat the disorder of individual patients (Hamner, Brodrick, & Labbate, 2001). The Tidal theory emphasizes the need for a holistic approach that ensures that there a limited gaps in the care offered. Pharmacotherapy coupled with psychosocial interventions will ease patient from the phases of ‘rescue’ to recovery. Psychosocial interventions are those that aid one’s psychological development in a social setting. Since treatment is focused to deal directly with PTSD and its related symptoms, it is important to deal with the spillover symptoms that medications cannot help with. Psychosocial intervention: Nurses’

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