Truman Commission Analysis

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The Truman Commission Analysis & The American Community College Mission, Vision, and Goals are three of the most important characteristics in any organization be it religiously, governmental or in this case, educational institutions. The United States people needed educational advancement beyond high school and through the re-birth and evolution of the American community college, it was so. With the Truman Commission being charged with providing remedies to alleviate Racial Discrimination, Religious Discrimination, Eliminating Antifeminism, and Eliminating Financial Barriers, the commission broke barriers by providing all citizens access to higher education. World War II brought many changes for the United States people. The Truman Commission…show more content…
This was the Truman Commission’s opportunity to help engage citizens in hopes of providing everyone a piece of the American Dream. One of the key recommendations of the Commission with respect to college access was that the college-going rate in the U.S. should double by 1960 (Vol. I, p. 41). This recommendation not only sparked an interest. According to the report, “49% of the population had the ability to complete a minimum of two years of higher education, while 33% had the ability to continue to an advanced liberal degree or specialized professional education” (Vol. I, p. 41). While this ability was quite fruitful, the reality of it was that the major barrier that most people faced was financing an…show more content…
In conjunction with a general recommendation that the number of community colleges should increase. In Vol. II, p.22, the Commission developed a new definition of their purpose by re-branding the junior college as the community college. This was done totally in part “because members felt that the term “junior” did not actually express the purpose these schools were serving—junior college implied that students would be moving on to four-year colleges, but one of the principal tasks in which the two-year colleges were engaging was terminal vocational education (Brint & Karabel, 1989). With the re-branding of the two-year college as a community college engaged in the life of its community, the Commission imagined a variety of new functions and programs that these schools would and could offer which would aid in its goal of meeting post-high school needs in communities (Vol. I, p.

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