Risk Factors Of Good Health

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1.0 (RISK FACTORS FOR VITAMIN “D” DEFICIENCY IN FEMALES) 1.1 INTRODUCTION The major problem, the largest human calamity in the world is the health. Health is undeniably a basic requirement and an key factor of human life. Good health is known as a critical component of life, entrée to good health is renowned as a basic human need and a primary human right. A healthy population is more productive and efficient component of the society. Good health imitate lower morbidity levels as well as decreasing the burden of diseases in a population. Improved health status has positive inference for the social and economic wellbeing of a society. It is a predetermined fact that an enhanced health not only reduces the mortality, morbidity, fertility levels…show more content…
This is not to disagree with the reality that over the years, Pakistan has shown significant development in some of the health areas but on a whole, it still lags far behind the preferred levels (Economic Survey 2009-10) . Being a poor country in socio-economic context as almost one third of the country population is at or below poverty line (Qureshi & Arif, 1999) half of them are disadvantaged of appropriate sanitation facilities, most of them are illiterate, as a consequence making them the most venerable group to harmful health effects (Ali, 2000) . Instantaneously barely any years ago, vitamin D was only known as the “bone vitamin” Thanks to the work of many scientists, mainly Michael Holick pioneer in vitamin D research. The data show that almost every type in the human body has receptors for vitamin D. As result of this study, much higher doses are required for finest performance. This finding has changed how we see the role of vitamin D. Vitamin D can be found in small amounts in a few foods, like fatty fish e.g.herring, mackerel, sardines and tuna. To compensate vitamin D , it is added to edible like dairy products, juices, and cereals that are then known as “fortified with vitamin D.” But a large amount vitamin D – 80% to 90% of what the body obtains is from exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D can also be made as…show more content…
Females experience worldwide vitamin D deficiency although they would be mothers and will face burden of nursing and pregnancy. The importance of this problem will be considered only, when we understand that the growth time of females are less, so they do not have adequate time make healthy skeleton (Shakiba et al., 2009) . It is around 1billion people are vitamin D deficienct or insufficient. overhead sun for most or all of the year. Nevertheless, hypovitaminosis D, resulting in severe Although vitamin D deficiency is unlikely in countries like india. osteomalacia, has been observed in adolescents in India (1). This irony may be explained to a degree by the many social and Cultural rehearse that exclude proper sun exposure of adolescent girls and young women. Revealing clothing is objected in conservative Indian families.Newly married females are forced to cover themselves even more and are dejected from outdoor activity. Significantly reducing the sunlight exposure needed for Vitamin D
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