Rhetorical Analysis

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Tom and Jerry, Batman and Robin, Will Smith and Carlton Banks are a few of the great duos in american culture. While they did became famous as entertainers, they continuously showed how their friendships could carry them through any obstacle thrown their way by the unforgiving hand of life. The television shows that featured these teams were simply platforms to share that message of enduring friendship. Directors, artists, musicians, and authors are constantly searching for methods to share their ideas. Authors Malcolm Gladwell, Zora Neale Hurston, Tim O’Brien, and Khaled Hosseini use different rhetorical devices to demonstrate how platonic relationships can propel someone through a trying situation. (ASK CANGA IF U NEED TO INCLUDE…show more content…
O’Brien tells the story of his reaction to being drafted for the war: He fled North: “How do I say this without sounding sappy? Blurt it out - the man saved me. He offered me exactly what I needed… We spent six days together together at the Tip Top Lodge. Just the two of us. Tourist season was over, and there were no boats on the river… Over those six days Elroy Berdahl and I took most of our meals. In the mornings we sometimes went on long hikes into the woods, and at night we played scrabble or listened to records or sat reading in front of his big stone fireplace. (O'Brien 92,93) Before telling the story O’Brien establishes that his relationship with Berdahl saved him during a helpless time in his life. This prelude to the story draws the reader in whilst conveying the main idea. O’Brien provides a detailed description of his time with Elroy Berdahl. The eloquent inclusion of miniscule nuances of the friendship show the reader the manner in which a platonic relationship helped O’Brien through one of the most difficult times in his life. The anecdote provides a real example that appeals to pathos. The reader understands the impact of the relationship on O’Brien due to this emotional connection to the…show more content…
Amir has just finished writing his first short story. In his excitement Amir attempts to share his work with Baba. Baba rejects to read the story but Rahim Khan graciously reads, and truly enjoys, the story: On his way out, Rahim Khan hunkered before me and handed me my story and another folded piece of paper. He flashed a smile and winked. ‘For you. Read it later.’ Then he paused and added a single word that did more to encourage me to pursue writing than any compliment any editor has ever paid me. That word was Bravo. When they left, I sat on my bed and wished Rahim Khan had been my father. Then I thought of Baba and his great big chest and how good it felt when he held me against it, how he smelled of Brut in the morning, and how his beard tickled my face. (Hosseini

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