Rhetorical Analysis Nike

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“My Butt is Big, Just Do It” Truly in a place of mostly stereotypical people, society has made an ideal way of what the body and either female or male needs to be. People these days depend on society but not at themselves. Every little imperfection of either a female or male body is being criticized and it perceived on how it needs to be. On this Nike’s 2005 marketing ad, as my title says “My Butt is Big Just Do It”, this stereotypical advertisement is used quite the makeover. According to Nike spokesman, Caren Bell, attempts to portray on “what is real” than to “the ideal” body (Longhurst , 1). But, not only the abnormality in today’s realm of the body, Nike promotes “Big Butt’s, Thunder Thighs, and Tomboy Knees” as the image of showing the…show more content…
What is noted in this Nike ad leads to rhetorical devices that are used and what they represent. Certainly, ethos is being used in this ad clearly aligning the voice and tone of the speaker. It is rather used on the company that relies on its own logo to represent and explain its reputation other than using a person to campaign the ad. Moreover, this ad is set up so that the audience or the reader can turn into the speaker and what better way to appeal in supporting ethos by associating with the Nike…show more content…
Nevertheless, society addresses a problem of a big butt with different ways to view it as. Rather, than the butt being an obstruction it is a benefit. Moreover, these are positive features of every butt even if its not in most literal sense, but it explains the appeal to the average women. This promotes Nike as not just using their product, but knowing that not every butt, thighs, or knees need to be fit or athletic, because almost any woman has the audacity to hit of looking on another model’s figures in magazines. So, Nike has done a great job in this advertisement on shaping this internalized view to a positive

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