Rakuten Case Study

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S.P.JAIN EMBA 29 – GROUP 1 Supply Chain Management Assignment 2 – RAKUTEN Lecturer: Prof. Vinod Manvi Submission Date: November 14, 2014 Submission Format: Softcopy Group 1 Subhash Kunder edxb07132937 Ramesh Srinivasan edxb07132921 Isaac Edwards edxb07132906 Ajay Venu edxb07132901 Introduction to Rakuten Rakuten was founded in February 7, 1997; during the dot com boom, by the current CEO & Chairman Mr. Hiroshi Mikitani (an MBA from Harvard University). The name Rakuten originated from Rakuichi - Rakuza, the first free and open market in Japan that was opened in the 16th century. The name Rakuten Ichiba literally means “market of positive spirit”. Mr. Mikitani envisioned Rakuten to be a place where “shopping…show more content…
They aim to support and empower small and medium type business in Japan to be exposed to the consumers or market place through the Internet. In simpler terms, they have devised a platform (an internet site) where merchants who are members of Rakuten to advertise their products online and directly to consumers. Consumers go online and place their orders through the Rakuten platform and the orders are communicated to the respective merchants and the delivery of the product / service provided directly to the consumer. Rakuten has revolutionized e-commerce where the consumers buy from ordinary every day merchants and not from the internet. Rakuten is focused on converting the Internet traffic into…show more content…
They are an effective Supply Chain Company because of the variety of companies enlisted with them and hence the variety of products they display. They form an excellent virtual network and communication between the two extremes (suppliers and customers). They also have programs to evaluate and forecast the demands of customers by recording and analyzing consumer behaviors and trends for purchasing and communicate the same to the merchants to ensure that the merchant make maximum use of this

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