Rest Area Case Study

1207 Words5 Pages Travelers rest area A rest area is a safe area beside the road where drivers and travelers can pull off the road to rest. Current research suggests that fatigue may have been underestimated as a contributor to vehicle accidents in rural and remote areas. Rest areas can reduce fatigue-related accidents by allowing drivers to stop and rest at regular intervals. [58] [59] 5.4 Regulation’s (E.C.) 561/2006 general criteria 5.4.1 Rest area key users The summary of each essential required article the material used in this study is as follows: 1) Article.1: This regulation lays down the rules of driving times, breaks and rest periods for drivers engaged in the transport of goods in order to harmonize the conditions of competition…show more content…
[52] [53] The main categories of road users and each of these categories has different motivation for stopping: A. Truck Drivers; Cargo vehicles must be stopped for a specified period in accordance with law. These stops are regulated by Regulation (EC) No.561 / 2006 and comprise 15-45 minutes for the short break (30 km) and 9-11 hour for a long break (150-200 km). [52] [53] [64] B. Tourist Travelers; Tourists being a very diverse group of users have a choice when to stop. This category often utilizes opportunities provided by commercial facilities (petrol stations, road-sides shops, and restaurants) but also require an equipped place for food, drinks break, sanitary needs, and management of fatigue. This importance of rest area in remote and little populated rural areas is critical due to the lack of commercial roadside facilities. [52] [53] [54] C. General Road Users; include residents of towns and villages traveling / commuting for work, shopping or personal matters. They are likely to make their journey as short as possible but may need to stop for the manage fatigue. This group of users values the cleanness and safety. [52] [53]…show more content…
5.4.2 Regulation (E.C.) 561/2006 conception The regulation (E.C.) No.561 / 2006 general criteria, in short, could be; The road users’ needs to make regular stops during their travel caused by different needs such as restrooms use, short break / light exercise, vehicles check, pet relief, child relief, change drivers and others as

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