Resilience Attitude Analysis

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The aim of this study is to find out the resilience attitude (measured by the AQ scores) and assess the parameters of CORE dimensions which includes likelihood of success, attrition risk and mindset for measuring the individual respondent’s stability towards sustainment at various work profiles with special reference to women employees of banking sector restricted to Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu. This concluding chapter of the thesis intends to present the summary of findings, recommendations, it reveals the limitations of the study and also emphasizes the scope for future study thereby secures with end note conclusion. 5.1 RESPONDENTS DEMOGRAPHY VERSION The study composed of 507 women respondents, out of them 339 were married and 168…show more content…
It is also seen that majority representing 278 have obtained only Bachelors Degree while only 160 possess Masters Degree and 69 have obtained professional degree. It is evident that many have refrained themselves from pursing higher studies for the best known reasons to them. Which indicates that they are contented with minimum criteria and don’t aspire for more. It is observed that the majority respondents 229 represent the lower management and 128 represent the middle management while only 38 represent the upper management category. So it is clear that there is stagnation at the lower management level by not aspiring to move up the banking career with a reluctant attitude to abstain themselves from taking responsibilities and risk held with higher positions and prefer to be in comfort zone level. The majority of the respondents 186 are representing the customer service section, while the others aggregate the marketing desk, finance and…show more content…
A test known as KMO is being carried out to ensure on whether one can proceed with factor analysis. As a result, all items were put into to KMO test and Bartlett’s test for both desired and actual level of proficiency data. The KMO statistic tests whether the partial correlations among variables are small. It is concluded that the strength of the relationship among variables is strong. The questionnaire consisted of 40 indicators which were based on Likert scale measurement. However, four indicators were dropped after the first round of CFA analysis due to low correlation loadings. Hence, a total of 36 indicators are finally selected as there was adequate correlation among the variables to do a factor analysis. It was presumed that the strength of the relationship among variables is strong. Hence, it is a positive indicator to proceed with factor analysis for the data so based on the loadings, labeling of factors or components was done. Accordingly, the first component is labeled as “Stress Threshold”. This is followed “Capacity for change” as the second most important factor and then the “Level of Success” as the third priority list. Interestingly, the “Social Competence” has emerged as fourth priority among respondents in terms of correlation coefficient loadings. The fifth factor in terms of correlation loadings is labeled as

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